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Markdown and Contributions

Modified 2020-07-15 by Dev Ramesh

Modified 2020-09-11 by Dev Ramesh

Student version (unknown ref duckiesky_high_school_student/introduction-curriculum-editing)

previous warning next (5 of 36) index
I will ignore this because it is an external link. 

 > I do not know what is indicated by the link '#duckiesky_high_school_student/introduction-curriculum-editing'.

Location not known more precisely.

Created by function n/a in module n/a.

Hardware - Basestation

Previous lesson - Git and Github

Knowledge - Definition and uses of markdown

Skills -

  • Ability to program in Markdown via formating and styling text using the Markdown language
  • Ability to submit pull requests to the curriculum

Markdown and Contributions

STANDARDS: Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Modified 2020-08-11 by Dev Ramesh

ISTE: 1. c.: Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

Assessments and Evidence of Understanding

Modified 2020-08-11 by Dev Ramesh

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to submit a pull request to alter a Duckiesky page.

AGENDA (Brief Summary of Activities)

Modified 2020-09-11 by Dev Ramesh

5 min: Basestation Setup

40 min: Duckiesky Documents Tutorial and Markdown/Markduck

15 min: Editing a DuckieSky Page

Differentiation (strategies for grouping, ELL, and inclusion)

Modified 2020-04-22 by Dev Ramesh

Advanced preparation/Materials/Set Up (Including Misconceptions)

Modified 2020-08-14 by Dev Ramesh

Teacher Materials

Basestation, a projector (optional)

Classroom Set Up:

Teachers can write a DO NOW on the board for students to start up their computers/devices and open up a web browser.


Modified 2020-04-22 by Dev Ramesh

Introducing The Lesson

Modified 2020-09-01 by Dev Ramesh


  • This will be a lesson for the student on editing and adding to the DuckieSky documents. It is important to learn how to propose changes and alter the documents that the students are learning from. the more helpful you are in helping us improve the materials for this drone course, the better the course experience will be for you and for students learning this curriculum in the future!

Main Lesson

Modified 2020-09-01 by Dev Ramesh

  • Students will be able to submit pull requests to make changes to the books directly that can be approved by the DuckieSky team!

    • The book pages are written in Markduck.
  • Students learn what Markdown and Marduck are used for

  • Students learn basic Markdown/Markduck

The basics of Mardown/Markduck can either be explained by the teacher or through the student book’s instructions at the teacher’s discretion.

Students should be aware of the following features in Markduck:

  1. Wrapping text with two asterices or one underscore both at the beginning and at the end of the phrase bolds or italicizes respectively.
  2. Adding a hash # with a space in front of text on a new line creates a heading; adding more hashes will reduce this heading size (e.g. ### Hello).
    • In Markduck, headers are used to define pages and separate sections.
  3. Creating a hyperlink by wrapping the text in brackets [] and putting the link in parenthesis (e.g. Visit GitHub!)
  4. Creating an image with similar syntax to links but adding an exclamation mark (!) before the text.
    • Adding a figure in Markduck
  5. Creating an ordered list by putting subsequent numbers followed by a period on each new line starting with 1. with text after each number (e.g. enter 1. Cat enter 2. Dog enter 3. Hamster); Creating an unordered list by putting a dash (-) in Markduck instead of () on each new line with text after each dash (e.g. enter - Cat enter - Dog enter* - Hamster).
    • Additionally, sublists are created by using tabs instead of spaces in Markduck.
  6. Adding two spaces to the end of a line of text and entering will create a new paragraph.
  7. Knowing about the following special paragraph tags

Ending The Lesson

Modified 2020-09-01 by Dev Ramesh

  • Teachers either can do a live demo of the pull request and issue process in the two videos linked in the student book, show the video to the class and speak through the steps, or let students watch the videos and read the instructions.
    • This is the location of the student-based book that can be used to demonstrate the repository.
  • (Optional) Teachers demonstrate how our textbooks are hosted through Github and how individual pages in the textbook are written in Markduck.
    • Here is the link to the GitHub repo for the student book with the markdown files for the textbook pages (which can also be accessed by clicking the pencil in the textbook output). Teachers can show the output and the repo to compare how the structures are similar.
    • Teachers can either click through other pages in the textbook or otherwise encourage students to click through the files and folders in our textbook repo.

Exercise: Students should submit a pull request to change the next page, Students: Leave your mark here!, with their newly acquired Markduck skills and GitHub skills from last lesson!

(Optional) Teachers can checkoff the pull request that students made.

Teachers should emphasize to students that if they see problems/areas that could be improved with the course, they can report and even fix them!

Useful Resources and References

  1. Basic Markduck Guide
  2. Local Duckiesky Editing and Docker
  3. The Duckietown documentation on how to edit and submit pull requests the documentation with GitHub.