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Intro to Sensors

Modified 2021-07-01 by Gideon

Explain the definition of roll, pitch, and yaw.

Roll, Pitch, and Yaw Diagram

Certain sensors on the drone measure Pitch, Roll, and Yaw. The IMU measures roll and pitch; The camera measures yaw.

Now, let’s define some terms from the picture above.

Pitch- The rotation of the flying body around a side-to-side axis. It can be thought of as an “up and down” motion.
Roll- The motion of the flying body rocking back and forth. It can be thought of as the wings of a plane “tilting up or down”.

Yaw- The rotation of the flying body along a vertical axis. It can be thought of “twisting left and right”.


Answers for Class Discussion Questions

Question 1:

  Answer Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)!

Here (Material 3.15) is what it looks like.

Voltage or Current is produced by the sensors -> amplification (convert to voltage if necessary) -> ADC

Analog and Digital Signal Diagram

Question 2:

  Answer Interpolation (estimate the data points in between known data) and extrapolation (using the current trend to predict the future data)
Interpolation and Exterpolation Graph

Question 3:

Answer - Filtering Frequencies: cut the frequency measurements that are unreasonably high or low, Combining data from multiple sensors, Cleverly decide which data are trustworthy