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Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Troubleshooting errors in the compilation process

Modified 2018-06-04 by Andrea Censi

“Invalid XML”

“Markdown” doesn’t mean that you can put anything in a file. Except for the code blocks, it must be valid XML. For example, if you use “>” and “<” without quoting, it will likely cause a compile error.

“Tabs are evil”

Do not use tab characters. The error message in this case is quite helpful in telling you exactly where the tabs are.

The error message contains ValueError: Suspicious math fragment 'KEYMATHS000ENDKEY'

You probably have forgotten to indent a command line by at least 4 spaces. The dollar in the command line is now being confused for a math formula.

Not properly starting a list

Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

There must be an empty line before the list starts.

This is correct:

I want to learn:

- robotics
- computer vision
- underwater basket weaving

This is incorrect:

I want to learn:
- robotics
- computer vision
- underwater basket weaving

and it will be rendered as follows:

I want to learn: - robotics - computer vision - underwater basket weaving

Forgetting markdown=1

Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

If you forget markdown=1 the contents of the tag will not be processed.

For example, this:

<div class="exercise" title="My exercise title">

  Open a new terminal and navigate to `~/.ssh` and open the file named `config`. 


results in:

Open a new terminal and navigate to ~/.ssh and open the file named config .

Code inside html

Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Here is a code block: $ code block Another block: python from typing import Any After block:
code block