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Part 3: Motors and ESCs Checkpoint

Modified 2021-07-14 by Andrea Censi

Expected Time: 20 minutes

Verify the wiring is correct

Modified 2021-07-14 by Andrea Censi

Visually inspect the drone to verify the following:

Modified 2021-07-14 by Andrea Censi

  • All red wires connected to the PDB are connected to positive (+) pads

  • All black wires connected to the PDB are connected to negative (-) pads

  • The wires on the IN side - NOT the OUT side - of the BEC are soldered to the PDB

  • For the battery monitor lead: the red wire is connected to a positive (+) pad while the brown wire is connected to a negative (-) pad

Do a connectivity check on the PDB; verify there is:

Modified 2021-07-14 by Andrea Censi

  • a short between any positive (+) pad and any other positive (+) pad

  • a short between any negative (-) pad and any other negative (-) pad

  • no short between any positive (+) pad and any negative (-) pad

Do a DC voltage check on the PDB;

Modified 2021-07-14 by Andrea Censi

ONLY if the connectivity check passed, plug in a 12V battery and verify there is:

  • ~0V between any positive (+) pad and any other positive (+) pad

  • ~0V between any negative (-) pad and any other negative (-) pad

  • ~12V between any positive (+) pad and any negative (-) pad.

If the battery is X volts instead of 12 volts (e.g. 10), then the multimeter will show X volts instead of 12 volts.

ESC check

Modified 2021-07-14 by Andrea Censi

ONLY if the DC voltage check passed, re-connect a battery to your drone and verify the following:

  • The ESCs emitted a quick succession of 3 beeps.

  • The bottom of the drone frame is illuminating, due to the LEDs on the bottom of the PDB.