Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
Student version (unknown ref duckiesky_high_school_student/loop-pid-intro)
Hardware - Their completed drone and their basestation Previous lesson - Intro to the Motors
Knowledge -
Skills - N/A
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
ISTE: 1. d.: Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
By the end of this lesson, students will understand the different between open and closed loop systems, feedback control systems, what the PID controller is used for in the case of their drones, and be able to use vocabulary terms pertaining to feedback loops and systems.
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
5 min: Introduction to the lesson and identify the 1D hovering problem of a drone.
40 min: Main lesson which includes learning about feedback loops, an example of feedback loops, and defining terms associated with feedback loops.
5 min: Conclusion and summary of the lesson.
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
Materials needed
Teacher Materials
Classroom Set Up - Allow space for students to fly their drones
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
Exercise: Students can try manipulating their LEDs on the drone as they have done before in the build.
Students will already have the ability from previous parts of the build to manipulate their LEDs. To manipulate their LEDs, such as turning them on and off, is a relatively simple task: students can give it a command to tell it to turn on or off. However, there are other tasks that are not as simple. The 1D hovering problem of a drone (getting the drone to hover at a specific altitude) cannot be achieved by just sending one speed to the motors due to factors such as the actions of the actuators and noise of the environment.
Introduce the idea of feedback loops.
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
Exercise: Do this in two stages. First to demonstrate an “open-loop”, a student looks at a target they’re supposed to go to, gets blindfolded, and tries to walk there. To demonstrate a “close-loop system”, do the same thing with a partner and without being blindfolded, and get the partner to yell directions.
Exercise: Teachers draw a block diagram of an closed-loop controller. Show the single input into the controller: the setpoint. Then draw the feedback loop and explain that there are now two inputs to the controller: the setpoint and the error (how far the robot is from the setpoint). Let students label or identify each part of the diagram.
Emphasize that closed-loop systems works in iterations, based on the current setpoint and measurements it determines an output, then does the same process over again after some delay.
Explain important terms and definitions involved with the PID (proportional, integral, derivative) controller
Exercise: Students can brainstorm some of examples of feedback loops.
ie: body thermoregulation, reflexes, hormone feedback loops, heart and blood pressure in the body
Define the error term
Explain the general reason for the PID controllers in systems
Modified 2020-09-16 by Rachel Ma
Exercise: Students try flying their drone, and try identifying what the process variable, setpoint, and control variable would be for the 1D drone hovering problem.
Go over what the three terms are representing in the 1D drone hovering problem.
Feedback loops are used in many technological, engineering, system applications.
Useful Resources and References
Here is a helpful video explaining PID controllers