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Teacher Template

Modified 2020-08-19 by Dev Ramesh

Hardware -
Previous lesson -

Knowledge -

Skills -

Lesson Title

Modified 2020-09-11 by Dev Ramesh

STANDARDS: Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Modified 2020-04-16 by Garrett Warren

Assessments and Evidence of Understanding

Modified 2020-08-08 by Dev Ramesh

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to …

AGENDA (Brief Summary of Activities)

Modified 2020-08-08 by Dev Ramesh

X min:

X min:

X min:

Differentiation (strategies for grouping, ELL, and inclusion)

Modified 2020-04-16 by Garrett Warren

Advanced preparation/Materials/Set Up (Including Misconceptions)

Modified 2020-08-14 by Dev Ramesh

Teacher Materials:

Classroom Setup:

Teachers can write a DO NOW on the board for students to …


Modified 2020-04-16 by Garrett Warren

Introducing The Lesson

Modified 2020-08-07 by Peyton Strong


Main Lesson

Modified 2020-07-29 by Peyton Strong


Ending The Lesson

Modified 2020-07-29 by Peyton Strong

Useful Resources and References