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Modified 2020-09-03 by Dev Ramesh

7 Layers of Abstraction

Modified 2020-09-16 by Dev Ramesh

  • If not for networking, we would not be able to connect to and run our drones, so it’s important for us to learn the concepts of Networking!
    • Learn about the 7 layers of abstraction at our edX lesson.
      • What is outlined here is the basis of what is used for our computers, mobile devices, and even with our drones.


Modified 2020-09-16 by Dev Ramesh

  • What is a basestation?
    • For our purposes, a basestation is a laptop or desktop (ie. not a tablet) with the ability to connect to WiFi over a network and that has the ability to run/read python.
  • How can we control our basestations?
    • A shell is a programming language that takes input and gives the input to the computer and operating system to analyze and perform the task that the input asks for.
    • A terminal is a program that allows the user to interact with the shell.
      • We will learn more about the terminal in the next lesson on Bash, which is the programming language that many terminals run in.
    • SSH (Secure Shell) is a method that allows a user to remotely log in from one computer/device to another. We utilized SSH to connect to our Pi in the past before we implemented the really handy text editor!
      • If you would like, you could attempt to follow our old build instructions to connect to the drone over SSH, but this may be a very self guided process (additionally it may not be compatible over Chromebook).

Networking with our Drone

Modified 2020-09-16 by Dev Ramesh

  • Connect to the Pi following the Build Part 1 Checkpoint Instructions from the Operations Manual
    • The text editor on this screen is Visual Studio Code (VSCode). This is a source editor that allows you to edit various files (like text and Markdown files). Use the editor to open and look at the files in the directory.
    • On the bottom of the screen is a terminal that runs in Bash. We will be learning about and directly utilizing this terminal in the next Unit.
      • If you can’t find the terminal, follow the first 10 seconds of this video to open the terminal.