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Students: Leave your mark here!

Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

Use your newly acquired Markduck skills and Duckietown knowledge to submit a pull request to edit this page!

Be creative but you should have in your edit:

  1. Add a new section for yourself with a level two heading (##) or higher.
    • Don’t use a level one heading (#) because that will create a new page!
  2. Tell us why you are interested in this course!
  3. Bold and/or italize words or phrases.
  4. Use an ordered or unordered list.
  5. Use a special tag to do something cool!

Once you submit a pull request, hopefully one of our team members will be able to approve it as quickly as possible!

Remember that you need to add an extra enter before any new items like section headers, lists, or special tags for them to be recognized by Markduck!


Dev’s Section

Modified 2020-10-13 by George1607

I am interested in this course because:

  • I love drones!
    • Specifically, drones with 4 propellers.
      1. More specifically, drones with cameras.
  • I enjoy making drone curriculum

I do not particularly like troubleshooting issues with drones.

Mrs. Jones Section v3

Modified 2020-10-13 by Dev Ramesh

I am interested in this course because:

  • It is a fun way to teach about robots
    • Specifically Drones

George’s Section

Modified 2020-10-13 by Dev Ramesh

I am interested in this course because:

I want to learning about drones

  1. I would like to underdtand the mechanics of building a drone.
  2. More specifically assembling the parts.

[Robotic club] [Pre-engineering internship]

Lucas Furtado Section

Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

  • I am interested in this course because:
  • I always wanted to build a drone.
    1. but specifically, drones with cameras.
    2. Drones with 4 propellers
  • I think this will help me with my building and Engenering skills
  • I want to learn how to program a drone but also what parts makes a drone ps: This is my first time building a drone

Luisangel Morales

Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

I am intrested in this course becasue it’s something new and intresting so I thought it would be fun and exciting to do.

  1. I want to learn and understand about coding
  2. I also want to know and understand the mechanics on buliding a drone

  3. This will help me understand how to program a drone.

    • This will also help me learn how to use basic skills on building and engenering.

Serigne section

Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

  • I am interested in this course because: I wanna learn wanted to build a drone

Nahiomy’s Section

Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

I am interested in this cources: because I want learn about robots and drones. See how create a drones and the names of the pices.


Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

The reason I chose this class was because I wanted to try something new.

Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

Ivaldino’s section

Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

I’m interested isthis book because some resons. First, I really like to use drone and I love echnology. Second, I like to learn more about parts that make it fly. Also take some picture with the drone, and have fun.

Sylvia’s Section

Modified 2020-10-19 by Dev Ramesh

I am interested in this course because:

  • I wanted to try something that was way out of my comfort zone
    • Building a drone would be a good learning experience
  • I want to know what goes into programming and coding a drone
    • Including how long the process of building the drone takes
  • I’ve always wanted to buy a drone, but being able to build one is much cooler
    • Learning about all of the parts of a drone should also be a fun experience

Rebecca’s Section

Modified 2020-10-26 by Dev Ramesh

Hi people

I wanted to be in this class for multiple reasons:

  1. I’ll learn the basic skills for building a drone
  2. I’ll learn how to code and program a drone
  3. And I could potentially use the knowledge I gain from this class and use it in the outside world

Elijah’s Section

Modified 2020-10-26 by Dev Ramesh

I want to learn how to make things like drones and robots because they seam interesting to me.