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Intro to the Course

Modified 2020-09-26 by Stefanie Tellex

Module Overview

Robot: a machine (especially one programmable by a computer) designed to execute one or more tasks automatically and efficiently.

Quadcopter a more specific term used to refer to a drone that is flown with four motors.

Why is it essential to learn about this? How do robotics help our communities in society?

When we think of a robot, what definition could we reference?

Robotics matter because they can take autonomous actions in the real physical world, which can affect almost every aspect of human existence. It is an interdisciplinary research area part of Engineering and Science. It involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The end goal is to create intelligent machines that outperform a human being’s ability in a specific task or replace said human in a task too complex or far too dangerous. Making them near perfect multi use tools for industries and corporations of any kind.

Today robots impact the defense industry, manufacturing, the service industry, and more, with potential to positively transform work practices.

Useful Resources and References

  1. Definition of Robot

  2. Wikepidia What is a Robot

  3. Wikepidia Info on Robotics

  4. Use of Robotics