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Modified 2019-11-12 by Gianmarco Bernasconi

Instructions on how to setup your workflow for the exercise.

Required steps

Modified 2019-11-11 by tomasz

Run the exercise

Modified 2019-11-12 by Aleksandar Petrov

Run the exercise container:

laptop $ docker -H DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local run --name lane_following_cra2 --net host -v /data:/data duckietown/lane-following-cra2:daffy

This container runs an extended version of the lane following demo from dt-core. It includes additional parameters which are important for this exercise.

Run rviz

Modified 2022-11-14 by Andrea Censi

rviz (ROS visualization) is a 3D visualizer for displaying sensor data and state information from ROS. More on information can be found in the official ROS wiki

For this exercise rviz will be helpful for displaying sensor messages from the Duckiebot. By selecting the appropriate topic we can output desired information.

First, make sure that your display can be accessed from a container. Run:

laptop $ xhost +local:root

When you are done with the exercise, you should run the reverse command in order to secure your screen access again:

laptop $ xhost -local:root

To start rviz run the following container:

laptop $ docker run -it --net=host -e VEHICLE_NAME=DUCKIEBOT_HOSTNAME --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" duckietown/rviz-cra2:daffy /bin/bash


laptop-container $ export ROS_MASTER_URI="http://DUCKIEBOT_IP:11311"

and also:

laptop-container $ export ROS_IP=DUCKIEBOT_IP

finally we can launch the application:

laptop-container $ rviz

After starting rviz we need to add the required topics we want to inspect

  • /DUCKIEBOT_NAME/duckiebot_visualizer/segment_list_markers
  • /DUCKIEBOT_NAME/lane_filter_node/belief_img
  • /DUCKIEBOT_NAME/lane_pose_visualizer_node/lane_pose_markers

After adding these 3 topics, rviz should show the output as in the figure above.

Change rosparams

Modified 2020-10-29 by arsimone

The following functions will be useful to change the dynamic parameters in the exercises:

laptop $ dts start_gui_tools DUCKIEBOT_NAME

1) Listing the parameters:

duckiebot-container $ rosparam list

2) Getting the parameters:

duckiebot-container $ rosparam get PARAMETER_NAME

3) Setting the parameters:

duckiebot-container $ rosparam set PARAMETER_NAME VALUE