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Making slides

Modified 2019-04-28 by tanij

To create slides, use type=slides for an H1 header:

# Making slides {#making-slides type=slides status=ready nonumber=1}

To create slides, use the attribute `type=slides` for an H1 header:

Next slides

Modified 2019-04-28 by tanij

Use second-level headers to make subsequent slides:

# Making slides {#making-slides type=slides status=ready}

To create slides, use `type=slides` for an H1 header:


## Next slides

Use second-level headers to make subsequent slides:


Modified 2019-04-28 by tanij

Use the symbol to make the corresponding fragment appear on click.

* Step 1 ▶
* Step 2 ▶
* Step 3 ▶
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3


Modified 2019-04-28 by tanij

Latex still works here.

A simple test for math:

a + b \geq \sqrt{c}

Stepping through equations

Modified 2019-04-28 by tanij

You can also step through equations:

Consider: ▶

a = b ▶

Then we get: ▶

c = d ▶


a = b

Then we get:

c = d

Stepping through partial parts of equations is not supported.


Modified 2018-06-02 by Andrea Censi

You can have “sub slides” to make the presentation nonlinear.

Defining subslides: Create a subslide by using header h3:

### Subslide 1

This is lower.

### Subslide 2

This is even lower.

Showing subslides: Press down to show the subslides.

Showing the slides map: Press ESC again to look at the slides map.

Subslide 1

Modified 2018-06-02 by Andrea Censi

This is lower.

Subslide 2

Modified 2018-06-02 by Andrea Censi

This is even lower.

Presentation mode

Modified 2018-06-02 by Andrea Censi

Press the key S to enter presenters mode.

Press ESC to exit presenter mode.

Presenter notes

Modified 2019-04-28 by tanij

Use a blockquote at the end of a slide to encode the presenter notes.

## Presenter notes

Use a blockquote at the end of a slide to encode the presenter notes:

> These are presenter notes that will appear in presenter mode.

Under the hood

Modified 2019-04-28 by tanij

  • All of this is built on top of reveal.js.

  • Please see reveal.js for the complete list of features.


Modified 2018-06-02 by Andrea Censi

All other duckuments features work as expected.

Example of a figure:

<figure class="stretch">
  <img style='width:8em'  src="duckietown-logo-transparent.png"/>


Modified 2018-06-02 by Andrea Censi

Subfigures with animation:

Main caption
<figure class="flow-subfigures"><figcaption>Main caption</figcaption>
        <img style='width:8em' src="duckietown-logo-transparent.png"/>
        <img style='width:8em' src="duckietown-logo-transparent.png"/>

Cross references

Modified 2018-06-02 by Andrea Censi

You can link to chapters and vice-versa: Unit D-1 - Creating slides

You can link to chapters and vice-versa: [](#creating-slides)

Link to the previous slide.


Modified 2018-06-02 by Andrea Censi

Bruno Siciliano and Oussama Khatib. Springer Handbook of Robotics. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, USA, 2007.