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Troubleshooting for Duckumentation


Modified 2018-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Markduck problems


Modified 2020-03-01 by Susanne Keller

First, see the section Unit B-5 - Troubleshooting for common problems and their resolution.

Please report problems with the duckuments using the duckuments issue tracker.

Special notes:

  • If you have a problem with a generated PDF, please attach the offending PDF.
  • If you say something like β€œThis happens for Figure 3”, then it is hard to know which figure you are referencing exactly, because numbering changes from commit to commit.

If you want to refer to specific parts of the text, please commit all your work on your branch, and obtain the name of the commit using the following commands:

$ git rev-parse HEAD 

Problem: The building hangs


Modified 2018-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Cause: insufficient memory


Modified 2018-09-22 by Andrea Censi

This might be due to insufficient memory.

For example, on Mac, the default setting is 2GB of RAM. Try increasing it (Figure 4.1).

A workaround is to stop and restart the process (but without doing dts docs clean).

Cause: downloading in the background


Modified 2018-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Sometimes the problem is that the code is downloading something in the background, for example a Git repository.

Currently this is hard to debug.