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My First Duckietown Python Library

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

Learn how to do proper python development

Get the Duckietown library template

Modified 2020-10-06 by arsimone

A boilerplate is provided by the library template repository.

The repository contains a lot of files, but do not worry, we will analyze them one by one. Click on the green button that says “Use this template”.

This will take you to a page that looks like the following:

Pick a name for your repository (say my-library) and press the button Create repository from template. Note, you can replace my-library with the name of the repository that you prefer.

This will create a new repository and copy everything from the repository template-library to your new repository. You can now open a terminal and clone your newly created repository.

laptop $ git clone
laptop $ cd my-library

Replace YOUR_NAME in the link above with your GitHub username.

Features of the library template

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

We have the following features:

  • Unit-tests using Nose.
  • Building/testing in Docker environment locally.
  • Integration with CircleCI for automated testing.
  • Integration with CodeCov for displaying coverage result.
  • Integration with Sphinx to build code docs. (So far, only built locally.)
  • Jupyter notebooks, which are run also in CircleCI as tests.
  • Version bump using Bumpversion.
  • Code formatting using Black.
  • Command-line program for using the library.

Anatomy of the library template

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

This repository describes a library called “duckietown_pondcleaner” and there is one command-line tool called dt-pc-demo.


Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

  • .gitignore: Files ignore by Git.

  • .dtproject: Enables the project to be built and used by dts devel tools

  • .bumpversion.cfg: Configuration for bumpversion

  • Makefile: Build tools configuration with Make

Python packaging

Modified 2020-10-25 by Fidel Esquivel

  • requirements.txt: Contains the pinned versions of your requirement that are used to run tests.

  • Deselects the tests to be included in the egg.

  • Contains meta information, definition of the scripts, and the dependencies information.

Python code

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

  • src/ - This is the path that you should set as “sources root” in your tool

  • src/duckietown_pondcleaner: Contains the code.

  • src/duckietown_pondcleaner/ Contains the __version__ library.

  • src/duckietown_pondcleaner_tests: Contains the tests - not included in the egg.

Docker testing

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

These are files to build and run a testing container.

  • .dockerignore: Describes what files go in the docker container.

  • Dockerfile: …


Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

  • src/ Sphinx settings

  • src/index.rst: Sphinx main file

  • src/duckietown_pondcleaner/index.rst: Documentation for the package


Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

  • .coveragerc: Options for code coverage.


Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

  • notebooks: Notebooks that are run also as a test.

  • notebooks-extra: Other notebooks (not run as test)

  • notebooks/*.ipynb: The notebooks themselves.

Creating your Library

Modified 2020-09-16 by Liam Paull

Using the repo you have already created:

  • Clone the newly created repository;
  • Place your Python packages inside src/;
  • List the python dependencies in the file dependencies.txt;
  • Update the appropriate section in the file;

Make sure that there are no other remains:

laptop $ grep -r . pondcleaner

Update the branch names in

Other set up (for admins)

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

The following are necessary steps for admins to do:

  1. Activate on CircleCI. Make one build successful.

  2. Activate on CodeCov. Get the CODECOV_TOKEN. Put this token in CircleCI environment.

How to use the utilities in the library template

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

Test the code

Modified 2020-10-04 by arsimone

Test the code using Docker by:

laptop $ make test-docker

This runs the test using a Docker container built from scratch with the pinned dependencies in requirements.txt. This is equivalent to what is run on CircleCI.

To run the tests natively on your pc, use:

laptop $ make test

To do so you will need to have installed the libraries listed in the file requirements.txt on your computer.

For that we assume you have already setup a Python virtual environment.

To do so you will need to pip install virtualenv then virtualenv duckietown then source duckietown/bin/activate. In order to install the requirements to run the test do pip install -r requirements.txt.


Modified 2020-10-04 by arsimone

In the same virtual environment as above run:

laptop $ python develop

This will install the library in an editable way (rather than copying the sources somewhere else).

If you don’t want to install the deps, do:

laptop $ python develop  --no-deps

For example, this is done in the Dockerfile so that we know we are only using the dependencies in requirements.txt with the exact pinned version.

Adding tests

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

To add another tests, add files with the name test_*py in the package duckietown_podcleaner_tests. The name is important.

Tip: make sure that the tests are actually run looking at the coverage results.

Notes on using the notebooks

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

Always clean the notebooks before committing them:

laptop $ make -C notebooks cleanup

If you don’t think you can be diligent, then add the notebooks using Git LFS.

Releasing a new version

Modified 2020-09-16 by liampaull

Updating the version

The first step is to change the version and tag the repo. DO NOT change the version manually; use the CLI tool bumpversion instead.

The tool can be called by:

laptop $ make bump    # bump the version, tag the tree

If you need to include the version in a new file, list it inside the file .bumpversion.cfg using the syntax [bumpversion:file: <FILE_PATH >].

Releasing the package

The next step is to upload the package to PyPy. We use twine. Invoke using:

laptop $ make upload  # upload to PyPI

For this step, uou need to have admin permissions on PyPy.