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Benchmarks for other Behaviours

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

Distance keeping

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

Prepare two Duckiebots, one dummy and one that is used for the testing. Then set the gain of the ‘dummy’ Duckiebot to 0.6 and make sure the gain of the autobot is at 1.0. Place the two Duckiebots behind each other and and start lane_following on both of them. Let them drive for half a round and then increase the gain of the ‘dummy’ Duckiebot to 0.8. Half a round later increase the gain to 1.0. During this time record the bags on both the Duckiebot and the localization system. For the Duckiebot please record the following nodes:

  • /AUTOBOTNAME/vehicle_avoidance_control_node/car_cmd
  • /AUTOBOTNAME/vehicle_avoidance_control_node/switch
  • /AUTOBOTNAME/vehicle_avoidance_control_node/vehicle_detected
  • /AUTOBOTNAME/vehicle_detection_node/detection
  • /AUTOBOTNAME/vehicle_detection_node/detection_time
  • /AUTOBOTNAME/vehicle_detection_node/switch
  • /AUTOBOTNAME/vehicle_filter_node/switch Note that the Duckiebot used as a ‘dummy’ that drives in front does not need to have the acquisition bridge running. Then with the bags recorded run the notebook that analysis the engineering data, this is compatible for any kind of benchmark. Within the notebook 95 add some analysis that compares the distance between the two Duckiebots to the reference distance the Duckiebot in the back was supposed to keep. This can be done very easily by comparing the relative pose of the two Duckiebots. At the same time analyze the calculation the Duckiebot in the back has made and compare its estimated relative distance to the ground truth measured by the watchtowers. Also check how well lane following is doing when having a Duckiebot in front. Please note that you will have to add some lines into the lane_following.launch file to start the vehicle detection.

As a metrics use: for the engineering data the same as for Lane Following, and for the benchmarking the mean difference between the actual distance and the reference distance, the mean difference between the estimated distance by the Duckiebot and the actual distance measured by the watchtowers.

Red line detection

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

LF with Vehicles on same lane

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

LF with Vehicles on opposite lane

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

LF with Intersection navigation

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

Intersection Navigation

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

Vehicle Avoidance

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

LED detection

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele


Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

April Tag detection

Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele