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CI Infrastructure

Modified 2020-08-10 by Andrea F. Daniele

Modified 2020-08-10 by Andrea F. Daniele

CI Infrastructure

Our CI Infrastructure is comprised of two types of nodes, i.e., master and builder nodes.

We currently have three nodes, one master and two builder nodes. The amd64 builder node is responsible for building artifacts natively on amd64 architecture. The arm32/64 builder node builds artifacts for the architectures arm32v7 and arm64v8 instead.

The following picture depicts how these nodes are connected to each other.

CI infrastructure
CI Infrastructure

Master node

Modified 2020-08-10 by Andrea F. Daniele

The Master node receives notifications from our Git host ( about push events against monitored repositories. Push events are tuples of shape (repository, branch, commit, author). When a push event occurs, the CI master node kicks in and spawns a new build job. A build job is performed on a builder node and has the objective of building a collection of artifacts from the corresponding source code. The event’s repository, branch and commit identify the source code version to use.

Even though repository and commit are in theory enough to identify the version of the source code, we need the branch as well as the artifacts will take its name.

Builder node

Modified 2020-08-10 by Andrea F. Daniele

A builder node is simply a Docker endpoint accessible through the TCP port 2375. Build jobs are always run inside a Docker container. Some build jobs consists of Docker image builds (and subsequent push to DockerHub).