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Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

In this section, we will describe the various arguments that the diagnostics tool accepts. Use them to configure the diagnostics tool to fit your needs.


Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

You can run a diagnostics test using the command:

dts diagnostics run -H/--machine ROBOT -G/--group EXPERIMENT -d/--duration SECONDS [OPTIONS]


Modified 2020-08-11 by Andrea F. Daniele

The following table describes the options available to the diagnostics tool.

Options available to the command `dts diagnostics run`
Argument    Type Description
- Machine where the diagnostics tool will run. This can be any machine with a network connection to the target machine.
localhost Machine target of the diagnostics. This is the machine about which the log is created.
--type auto Specify a device type (e.g., duckiebot, watchtower). Use --help to see the list of allowed values.
--app-id - ID of the API App used to authenticate the push to the server. Must have access to the 'data/set' API endpoint
--app-secret - Secret of the API App used to authenticate the push to the server
- Name of the logging database. Must be an existing database.
- Name of the experiment (e.g., new_fan)
"default" Name of the test within the experiment (e.g., fan_model_X)
- Length of the analysis in seconds, (-1: indefinite)
"*" Specify regexes used to filter the monitored containers
"empty" Custom notes to attach to the log
--no-pull False Whether we do not try to pull the diagnostics image before running the experiment
--debug False Run in debug mode
False Run in debug mode