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Agent protocols

Modified 2020-11-07 by Andrea Censi

The section describes the different protocols that should be followed by agents that are submitted.

The currently used protocol is aido2_db18_agent-z2


Modified 2019-04-14 by Liam Paull

TODO: fill this in

previous task next (3 of 5) index

The following was marked as "todo".

TODO: fill this in

Location not known more precisely.

Created by function n/a in module n/a.


Modified 2018-10-18 by Andrea Censi

Communication: Duckietown Slimremote

duckietown-challenges: v3

Observations: 160x120 camera image

Distortion: none

Commands: linear and angular velocity


Modified 2018-10-18 by Andrea Censi

Communication: Duckietown Slimremote

duckietown-challenges: v3

Observations: 160x120

Distortion: none

Commands: left wheel velocity, right wheel velocity


Modified 2018-10-18 by Andrea Censi

Communication: Duckietown Slimremote

duckietown-challenges: v3

Observations: 640x480

Distortion: yes

Commands: left wheel velocity, right wheel velocity normalized in the unit interval.