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Duckietown Dashboard

Modified 2020-11-07 by Andrea Censi

The Duckietown Dashboard is a visual alternative to the command line for monitoring your AI-DO submissions.

You can access the Duckietown Dashboard by visiting the URL

Signing up

Modified 2019-04-24 by Liam Paull

You can access the Dashboard simply by logging in with a Google account or by entering your Duckietown token.

You can retrieve your Duckietown token by visiting the URL

Once you enter your token, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page.


Modified 2019-03-27 by Andrea Censi

The Submissions page shows an overview of the current status of active competitions and your submissions to those competitions. The following image shows an example of the Dashboard page.

Dashboard page

It is possible to manage your submissions from the Submissions page. The following image shows an example of the Submissions page.

Submissions page

You can decide to list only the submissions that are relative to a specific subset of challenges by turning OFF all the challenges you wish to hide in the Select the challenges section.

From the Results bar, shown right above the list of submissions, you can filter the results by status, and/or label. This will show you only the results that match your search criteria.

It is possible to retire a submission by clicking on the orange button (trash icon) corresponding to the submission that you wish to retire from the list of submissions.

You can also get a detailed report about a submission by clicking on the button with the label “Open”. This will show you further details (e.g., evaluating jobs, produced observations, submission code) about a submission.

Functionality not available

Modified 2018-10-13 by Andrea Censi

The following functionality is only available using the command line:

  • submitting;
  • resetting a submission.