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Organizing team TO REWRITE

Modified 2021-10-31 by tanij

The organizing team comprises 5 universities (ETH Zürich, University of Montréal, Georgia Tech, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, Tsinghua University, China) and 3 companies: a self-driving car company (nuTonomy), a cloud company (Amazon AWS), and a startup (Rerobots) working on remote access to robotic platforms.

At nuTonomy and ETH Zürich:

  • Prof. Emilio Frazzoli is CTO at nuTonomy and Professor at ETH Zürich.
  • Dr. Andrea Censi is Director of Research at nuTonomy and Senior Researcher at ETH Zürich. He is the co-founder of Duckietown and its CTO.

At nuTonomy:

  • Dr. Eryk Nice is Vice President of Autonomous Systems at nuTonomy. He has a long extremely relevant experience at Amazon Robotics (ex Kiva Systems) in developing automated warehouses with hundreds of robots working simultaneously.
  • Dr. Oscar Beijbom is the Machine Learning Lead at nuTonomy. He will help supervising the definition of the metrics in a way that is realistic for a self-driving car applications.
  • Ruslan Hristov is Principal Software Engineer at nuTonomy. He will lead the design of the container-based software infrastructure for device \rightarrow cloud \rightarrow device software deployment.

At ETH Zürich:

  • Dr. Jacopo Tani is Chief Strategy Officer of Duckietown and lecturer at ETH Zürich. He is coordinating the development of the local robotarium. Between now and September, about 20 students in Zürich are committed to work on projects supporting the technology for this event.
  • Ph.D. candidate Julian Zilly will be coordinating the baseline implementation of the learning pipelines.
  • Ph.D. candidate Claudio Ruch will be curating the AMOD challenges.

At the University of Montréal:

  • Prof. Yoshua Bengio is an expert in deep learning. He is Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research at the University of Montréal and head of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA).

  • Prof. Liam Paull is the local roboticist in Montréal, and co-founder of Duckietown. He will be overseeing the development of the robotarium in Montréal. He also has 2 Master’s students and 2 undergraduate interns committed to contribute to the project. He will be the local coordinator in the leadup to the live event.

At Georgia Tech:

  • Prof. Magnus Egerstedt is the Executive Director for the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines at Georgia Tech. He pioneered the idea of remotely-accessible robot experiments in the Robotarium project.

At Amazon AWS and UCLA:

  • Prof. Stefano Soatto is Director of Applied Science at Amazon AWS and Professor at UCLA. He is an expert in deep learning and control.
  • Sunil Mallya is a Deep Learning Solutions Architect at Amazon AWS. He organizes the Robocar Rally competition at re:invent.
  • Justin De Castri is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon AWS. He is co-organizer of the Robocar Rally competition.

At Tsinghua University in the People’s Republic of China:

  • Prof. (Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia is an Associate Professor in Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems in the Department of Automation of Tsinghua University. His research focus is data-driven stochastic optimization for large-scale cyber physical systems such as energy Internet and the internet of things.

  • Prof. Tao Zhang is a Full Professor in the Department of Automation of Tsinghua University. His research interest is control theory and applications in guidance and robotics.

Their groups will build the Duckietown robotarium in China.

At National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan:

  • Prof. Nick Wang is Assistant Professor with the National Chiao Tung University. His group will build the Duckietown robotarium in Taiwan.