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Challenge LFI

Modified 2021-10-31 by tanij

The third challenge of the AI Driving Olympics is “lane following with intersections” (LFI). This challenge is an extension of Challenge LF to include map configurations that are not just loops but now contain intersections which must be traversed.

A Duckiebot following a lane in a Duckietown with intersections.

Again we ask participants to submit code allowing the Duckiebot to drive on the right-hand side of the street within Duckietown, but now it must also successfully navigate intersections. Due to interactions with other Duckiebots, a successful solution almost certainly not be completely reactive.

LFI in Simulation

Modified 2021-10-31 by tanij

The current versions of the lane following with vehicles in simulation are aido-LFI-sim-testing and aido2-LF-sim-validation. These two challenges are identical except for the output that you are allowed to see. In the case of testing you will be able to see performance of your agent (Figure 7.2) and you will be able to download the logs and artifacts.

Visual output for a LFI submission.

Templates and Baselines

Modified 2021-10-30 by liampaull

To get started, try one of the existing templates, which are minimal setups that do random things but are functions, or the baselines which are instantiations of the templates that implement some algorithms, but probably not in an optimal way. Many of the past AI-DO winners are in the baseline solutions.

aido-LFI-sim-testing Details

Modified 2021-10-30 by liampaull

The details for “experiment manager”, “simulator”, and “scenario maker” parameters may be of interest and are available here (Under “Details”).

aido-LFI-sim-validation Details

Modified 2021-10-30 by liampaull

LFI in the Duckietown Autolab

Modified 2021-10-30 by liampaull

The current version of the lane following real robot challenge is aido-LFI-real-validation.

Note that to test the performance of your agent on the real robot yourself, you can follow the instructions to run your agent on your Duckiebot

aido-LFI-real-validation Details

Modified 2021-10-30 by liampaull