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Advanced submission options

Modified 2018-10-09 by Andrea Censi

This section describes additional options for the dts challenges submit command.

submission.yaml file

Modified 2019-04-04 by Andrea Censi

Each submission directory has a file submission.yaml containing the following information:

protocol: protocol # do not change
challenge: challenge name(s)
user-label: optional label
user-payload: optional user payload

You can override these using the command line, as explained below.

Specifying the challenge

Modified 2019-10-31 by frank_qcd_qk

However you can also pass the name as a parameter --challenge:

$ dts challenges submit --challenge challenge name

The names of the challenges can be seen at this page.

For example, if you would only like to submit to submit to LF validation system, you can do it as:

$ dts challenges submit --challenge aido3-LF-sim-validation

If you would like to submit to multiple specific challenges, you can do it in the yaml file:

protocol: aido2_db18_agent-z2 # do not change
challenge: [challenge1_name,challenge2name,...]


Modified 2018-10-12 by Andrea Censi

You can attach two pieces of metadata to your submission.

  1. A human-readable label for your identification.
  2. A small JSON payload that describes the details of your submission, such as the parameters that you used for your algorithm.

To specify the label, use the option --user-label:

$ dts challenges submit --user-label "My label"

To specify the payload, use the option --user-meta and specify a JSON structure:

$ dts challenges submit --user-meta '{"param":"1"}

Skip Docker cache

Modified 2018-10-12 by Andrea Censi

Use the option --no-cache to avoid using the Docker cache and re-build your containers from scratch:

$ dts challenges submit --no-cache