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Part 5: Set up Docker

Modified 2022-09-26 by Stefanie Tellex

To make it possible for you to develop your own code on the drone, you need to set up a docker workspace with our source code, pidrone_pkg.

To do this, you need to clone this repository to your drone’s SD card, then build the Docker image needed to run the software (which is back on an older version of ROS, ROS Kinetic).

Run ssh duckie@yourdrone to ssh into your drone. The password is quackquack. Then from your home directory run the following commands:

sudo apt install rake
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd pidrone_pkg
git checkout ente

The next step will take a long time because it has to download all the preqrequisites for the image. Make sure your Pi is plugged into external power either through the battery or through the USB power supply.

rake build
# this step is fast
rake create

Once these steps are complete, you can start the container and go inside by running

rake start

Once in the container, run

screen -c pi.screenrc

This will start a screen session with each of the ros nodes needed to run the drone and make it fly.

When using this container, you will want to bring down all the other containers. We recommend doing this from the Portainer page, stopping all the running containers. Note that you will need to do this each time you reboot the drone.

You can read how to fly your drone in this mode here.