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Velocity Estimation via Optical Flow

Modified 2020-10-22 by sageshoyu

In this part of the project you will create a class that interfaces with the Arducam to extract planar velocities from optical flow vectors.

Code Structure

Modified 2022-09-26 by Stefanie Tellex

To interface with the camera, you will be using the raspicam_node library. This library publishes both images and optical flow vectors to ROS topics. You will estimate velocity using the flow vectors, and estimate small changes in position by extracting features from pairs of frames. In the sensors project repo, we’ve included a script called which you will edit so it publishes the estimated velocity from the flow vectors. Similarly a second script is which you will edit so it subscribes to the image topic and publishes position estimates.

Analyze and Publish the Sensor Data

Modified 2022-09-26 by Stefanie Tellex

On your drones, the chip on the Raspberry Pi dedicated to video processing from the camera calculates motion vectors (optical flow) automatically for H.264 video encoding. Click here to learn more. You will be analyzing these motion vectors in order to estimate the velocity of your drone.


You will now implement your velocity estimation using optical flow by completing all of the TODO‘s in There are two methods you will be implementing.

The first method is setup, which will be called to initialize the instance variables.

  1. Create a ROS publisher to publish the velocity values.

The perspicacious roboticist may have noticed that magnitude of the velocity in global coordinates is dependent on the height of the drone. Add a subscriber to the topic /pidrone/state to your AnalyzeFlow class and save the z position value to a class variable in the callback. Use this variable to scale the velocity measurements by the height of the drone (the distance the camera is from what it is perceiving).

  1. Create a ROS subscriber to obtain the altitude (z-position) of the drone for scaling the motion vectors.

The second method is motion_cb, which is called every time that the camera gets a set of flow vectors, and is used to analyze the flow vectors to estimate the x and y velocities of your drone.

  1. Estimate the velocities, using the TODO‘s as a guide.

  2. Publish the velocities.

Check your Measurements

Modified 2020-09-08 by sageshoyu

You’ll want to make sure that the values you’re publishing make sense. To do this, you’ll be echoing the values that you’re publishing and empirically verifying that they are reasonable.


Verify your velocity measurements

  1. Start up your drone and launch a screen
  2. Navigate to `4 and quit the node that is running
  3. Run rosrun project-sensors-yourGithubName
  4. Enter rostopic echo /pidrone/picamera/twist
  5. Move the drone by hand to the left and right and forward and backward to verify that the measurements make sense


Modified 2020-09-08 by sageshoyu

  1. Verify that the velocity values are reasonable (roughly in the range of -1m/s to 1m/s) and have the correct sign (positive when the drone is moving to the right or up, and negative to the left or down).