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Project 3: Implementing an Altitude PID Controller

Modified 2020-11-04 by Sean Hastings


Modified 2020-11-04 by Sean Hastings

For this project, you will be implementing a one-dimensional PID controller to control the drone’s altitude (movement along the drone’s z-axis). In part one, you will write your PID class and test it using a drone simulator. In part two, you will answer questions about control.

There is one section that is not required for this project. In Appendix A, we explain how to transfer the altitude PID controller you wrote in part 1 to your drone and tune it to achieve stable flight.


Modified 2020-11-05 by sageshoyu

Use this link to generate a Github repo for this project. Clone the directory to your computer git clone This will create a new folder. The in your repo provides short descriptions of each project file.

When you submit your assignment, your folder should contain the following files (that you modified) in addition to all of the other files that came with your repo:

  • z_pid.yaml

Commit and push your changes before the assignment is due. This will allow us to access the files you pushed to Github and grade them accordingly. If you commit and push after the assignment deadline, we will use your latest commit as your final submission, and you will be marked late.

cd project-pid-implementation-yourGitHubName
git add -A
git commit -a -m 'some commit message. maybe handin, maybe update'
git push

Note that assignments will be graded anonymously, so please don’t put your name or any other identifying information on the files you hand in.