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Developer Basics: ISO/IEC 9126

Modified 2020-05-24 by Andrea F. Daniele

Andrea F. Daniele

Maintainer: Andrea F. Daniele

ISO/IEC 9126 is a international standard for product quality in Software Engineering. It was officially replaced by the new ISO/IEC 25010 in 2011 that introduces a few minor changes.

ISO/IEC 9126
ISO/IEC 9126 Standard (source: Wikipedia)

Software development, as any other activities carried out by human beings is subject to human biases. The ISO/IEC 9126 standard’s objective is that of aknowledging the most common biases and addressing them by definining clear guidelines about what properties a good software product should have.

In this section, we are not going to dive into this standard, but we strongly believe that such standard (and its successor ISO/IEC 25010) should be the best friend of any developer.

Throughout this book, we will mention some of these qualities as we motivate some of the decisions made while creating the Duckietown Development Workflow.

Hands on

Modified 2020-05-26 by Andrea F. Daniele

We suggest the reader to get familiar with such standard by using these resources:

Ask the community

Modified 2020-05-24 by Andrea F. Daniele

If you have any questions about good practices in software development, join the Slack channel #info-developers.