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Software Architecture

Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

This section introduces the hardware benchmark software architecture. It is not required to read in order to conduct the benchmark. It generally consists of three small programs communicating with each other:

HW BM Tools
Hardware benchmark tools

In order to facilitate and unify the benchmark procedure the above mentioned tools have been created. The optimal setup would be similar to the dts diagnostic tool. One command that starts the benchmark and then uploads all files and displays the data online. Once the API and frontend are online resp. incorporated in the dashboard, this will almost be possible. Only the lane following has to be started by hand.


Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

Communication Diagram
Hardware benchmark software communication diagram

The above diagram summarizes the communication between different services. It is obvious that the API is central for the benchmarking procedure.

API / Backend

Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri


Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

Once the API is running it offers a Swagger UI which describes all endpoints. It can be accessed at the address of the API (running locally, normally at (localhost:5000)[localhost:5000])

Data storage

Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

The API provides two different ways to store data:

  • Locally on the machine using SQLite and writing files in the specified directory
  • Using S3 and a mySQL Database hosted separately


Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

The API offers two endpoints where the benchmark files can be uploaded via POST request. Once the files, consisting of:

  • meta, JSON string containing manually written metadata
  • meta_json, JSON file containing Metadata
  • sd_card_json, JSON file containing SD Speeds
  • latencies_bag, Bag containing Latencies, recorded on the bot
  • evt. diagnostics_json, JSON containing the diagnostic data
  • evt. localization_bag, Localization bag

are uploaded. The API retrieves all benchmarking measurements from those files, saves them to a file as well as a summary to the Database. If no diagnostics_json but the diagnostics_id is provided in the request url, the API retrieves the diagnostic data from the dt-diagnostics tool.


Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

The frontend is used to display the benchmark data. As well as a synthetically calculated score.

File Upload

Modified 2020-07-19 by Luzian Bieri

The frontend provides an interface to upload data manually, as one may make the benchmark as well “by hand”.

Benchmark Upload
Benchmark Upload

Score Display

Modified 2020-07-19 by Luzian Bieri

All scores are displayed on the web interface including the possibility to download the saved data and the

Score Display
Score Display


Modified 2020-07-19 by Luzian Bieri

The CLI is part of the Duckietown shell dts benchmark command. More explanation can be found in the section Demo.