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Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

Possible Settings for calculating the BM score

In order to edit any function one needs the API in the developer mode, e.g. clone git repo and run from there. Instructions can be found in the repo.

Weighting Function

Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

In order to adjust the weight function, edit the function weight_function in the file logic/utils/

Weights of single element in benchmark score

Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

Adjustments of weights are made in the dict averages in the file logic/config/

New Score Categories

Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

Add another entry to the dict averages in the file logic/config/

New measurements

Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

In order to add another measurement which is calculated during the benchmark file analysis edit the function measurements in the file logic/config/ If more external data is needed to display, the functions calling measurements need to be edited. For further information consult the in the repo.