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Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

Troubleshooting section


Modified 2020-06-24 by Luzian Bieri

Should an error like the one below appear:

subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['sudo', 'e2fsck', '-f', '/dev/sdb2']' returned non-zero exit status 8.


laptop $ sudo fdisk /dev/device

to delete all partitions on the device. (d to delete, w to write) Make sure to edit the correct device, otherwise data will be lost!

Render Apriltags

Modified 2020-07-24 by Luzian Bieri

If your map is rendered really tiny. You probably entered the measurements of the april tags in another unit than meters.

Run Lane following

Modified 2020-07-24 by Luzian Bieri

If the lane following can’t be run after the Pre benchmark. Restart the Lane following Container.