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Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Installing LiClipse

Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Follow the instructions at this page.

At the moment of writing, these are:

$ wget
$ tar xvzf liclipse_4.1.1_linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo ln -s `pwd`/liclipse/LiClipse /usr/bin/liclipse

Now you can run it using liclipse:

$ liclipse

When it runs for the first time, choose “use this as default” and click “launch”.

Choose “Import-> General -> Existing project into workspace”. Select the folder ~/duckietown.


Only Import -> General -> Projects from Folder or Archive, selecting ~/duckuments worked for me. JT


This is not about the duckuments, it’s for duckietown - AC

If it asks about interpreters, select “auto config”.

When it shows “uncheck settings that should not be changed”, just click OK.

Set shortcuts for LiClipse

Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Go to “window/preferences/General/Keys”.

Find “print”, and unbind it.

Find “Quick switch editor”, and set it to Ctrl-P. (This is now the same as Atom.)

Find “Previous tab” and assign Ctrl-Shift-[ (This is now the same as Atom.)

Find “Next tab” and assign Ctrl-Shift-]. (This is now the same as Atom.)

Find “Show in (PyDev package explorer)” and assign Ctrl-Shift-M.

Shortcuts for LiClipse

Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

Make sure that you can do the following tasks:

  • Use the global browser: Press Cmd-Shift-T, type “what”. It should autocomplete to what_the_duck. Press enter; it should jump to the file.

  • Switch among open editors with Ctrl-P.

  • Switch between tabs with Ctrl-Shift-], -[.

  • See the current file in the directory, using Cmd-Shift-M.

Liclipse commands
On Linux On Mac
Ctrl-Shift-T Cmd-Shift-T Globals browser
Ctrl-P Cmd-P Quick editor switch
Ctrl-Shift-[ Cmd-Shift-[ Previous tab (needs to be configured)
Ctrl-Shift-] Cmd-Shift-] Next tab (needs to be configured)
Ctrl-Shift-M Cmd-Shift-M Show in (PyDev package explorer)
Ctrl-1 Cmd-1 Find symbol

Other configuration for Liclipse

Modified 2019-09-22 by Andrea Censi

From the “Preferences” section, it’s suggested to:

  • Get rid of the minimap on the right.
  • Get rid of spellchecking.

Then, there is the issue of “code completion”. This is a love-it-or-hate-it issue. The choice is yours.