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Part 4 Checkpoint

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren


Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

You will now make sure the the camera is working properly by viewing the camera data on the web interface.

Connect to the drone

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

Connect to the WiFi

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

Plug the battery into your drone build and connect to the drone’s wifi network, defaultdrone

Open the web interface

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

Browse to the web interface:

Open the code editor

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

In a new tab, browse to the drone’s code editor:

Start up the code

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

Open a terminal

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

If there is not a terminal at the bottom of your screen already, then:

In the code editor, click the menu bar in the top left corner, then click Terminal > New Terminal

Run the start command

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

Type this command and hit enter: ./start

Start the flight controller node

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

  1. Identify the “tick” key on your keyboard. It looks like this: ` and is typically the key to the left of the ‘1’ key. It is also typically located on the same key as the tilde ~.

  2. Navigate to the flight controller node by pressing ` followed by the number 1. Note that nothing will appear in the terminal when you type these keys.

  3. Press enter to start the node

  4. When prompted, “Are you ready to fly?” Type n and press enter (we do not want to fly at this point.)

Locate the x and y velocity graphs

Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

  1. Go back to the web interface tab, wait about 5 seconds, and refresh the page. Make sure that you see “Connected” at the top of the page

  2. Find the x and y velocity graphs on the web interface


Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

  1. Orient your drone so that the flight controller is facing away from you

  2. While using your hand to move the drone to the right, verify that the x velocity graph shows positive reading

  3. While using your hand to move the drone to the left, verify that the x velocity graph shows negative readings

  4. While using your hand to move the drone forward, verify that the y velocity graph shows positive readings

  5. While using your hand to move the drone backward, verify that the y velocity graph shows negative readings

Congrats on finishing your build!


Modified 2020-09-01 by Garrett Warren

If you do not see anything on the velocity graphs:

  1. navigate to the terminal in the code editor

  2. go to the camera node by typing “tick” 4: ` 4

If you see an error printed that says something like “out of resources other than memory” the the issue is that your camera cable is not connected properly.

  • make sure there are no holes or tears in your camera cable

  • unplug the batter and then reinsert the camera cable into the camera and into the Pi

  • repeat the steps of this checkoff again