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Starting the Containers

Modified 2019-09-23 by AmaurX

TODO change the image names accordingly after merging Here you can find instructions on how to run the containers in order to bring the autocharging station into action.

task next (1 of 17) index

The following was marked as "todo".

TODO change the image names accordingly after merging Here you can find instructions on how to run the containers in order to bring the autocharging station into action.

Location not known more precisely.

Created by function n/a in module n/a.

Instructions for CSLAM

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

1) Clone the github repository for CSLAM:

laptop $ git clone  
laptop $ cd duckietown-cslam/scripts

2) The way how CSLAM is used is the following:
Since the apriltag poses are needed on the device, one has to set the ROS_MASTER to the particular device. Therefore, change lines in the script as follows:



3) For autocharging a particular version of CSLAM will be run. Therefore, change the image tag for CSLAM container to autocharge. Make sure that the ACQ_DEVICE_MODE is set appropriately. Since we want to get apriltag poses in real time, this parameter has to ve set to live.

docker -H ${array[$index]}.local  run -d \
                                      --name cslam-acquisition \
                                      --restart always \
                                      --network=host \
                                      -e ACQ_DEVICE_MODE=live \
                                      -e ACQ_ROS_MASTER_URI_DEVICE=${array[$index]} \
                                      -e ACQ_ROS_MASTER_URI_DEVICE_IP= \
                                      -e ACQ_SERVER_MODE=live \
                                      -e ACQ_ROS_MASTER_URI_SERVER=${ROS_MASTER_HOSTNAME} \
                                      -e ACQ_ROS_MASTER_URI_SERVER_IP=${ROS_MASTER_IP} \
                                      -e ACQ_DEVICE_NAME=${array[$index]} \
                                      -e ACQ_BEAUTIFY=1 \
                                      -e ACQ_STATIONARY_ODOMETRY=0 \
                                      -e ACQ_ODOMETRY_UPDATE_RATE=0 \
                                      -e ACQ_POSES_UPDATE_RATE=15 \
                                      -e ACQ_TEST_STREAM=1 \
                                      -e ACQ_TOPIC_VELOCITY_TO_POSE=velocity_to_pose_node/pose \
                                      -e ACQ_TOPIC_RAW=camera_node/image/compressed \
                                      -e ACQ_APRILTAG_QUAD_DECIMATE=2.0 \
                                      duckietown/cslam-acquisition:autocharge || echo "ERROR: Starting cslam-acquisition on ${array[$index]} failed. Probably this Watchtower wasn't configured properly or we can't connect via the network."

4) Run the script

laptop $ source

After starting the container, make sure it is running. You have to see logs in CSLAM container as following:

[INFO/serverSideProcess] Published pose for tag 327 in sequence 10
[INFO/serverSideProcess] Published pose for tag 334 in sequence 10
[INFO/serverSideProcess] Published pose for tag 360 in sequence 10
[INFO/serverSideProcess] Published pose for tag 327 in sequence 11

For Module 1:

Modified 2019-06-30 by Tomasz

Start the CSLAM Container

Modified 2019-07-30 by alifahriander

Start the CSLAM container according to the instructions above.

Start the Charging Manager Container for Module 1

Modified 2019-08-06 by Tomasz Z

laptop $ docker -H HOSTNAME.local run -it --net host --memory="800m" --memory-swap="1.8g" --privileged -v /data:/data --name charging_manager CONTAINTER_NAME

For Module 2:

Modified 2019-06-30 by Tomasz

Charging Manager

Modified 2019-07-29 by Tomasz Z

On the charging manager you have to start the following containers:

Start the TCP Server Container

First clone the github repository for TCP server and then change the YAML file in it. There you have to change the IP address to the IP address of your charging manager:

laptop $ git clone
cd tcp_server/docker

Now change the IP address in default.yaml.
Then build, push and run the tcp_server container

laptop $ docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t IMAGE_NAME  
laptop $ docker push IMAGE_NAME  
laptop $ laptop $docker -H HOSTNAME.local pull IMAGE_NAME  
laptop $ docker -H hostname.local run -it --net host --memory="800m" --memory-swap="1.8g" --privileged -v /data:/data --name CONTAINER_NAME IMAGE_NAME

Start the Charging Manager Container for Module 2

laptop $ docker -H HOSTNAME.local run -it --net host --memory="800m" --memory-swap="1.8g" --privileged -v /data:/data --name charging_manager  anderalii/charging_manager:module2


Modified 2019-06-30 by Tomasz

Start the CSLAM Container

Start the CSLAM container according to the instructions above.

Start the TCP Client Container

First clone the github repository for TCP client and then change the YAML file in it. There you have to change the IP address to the IP address of your charging manager:

laptop $ git clone
cd tcp_server/docker

Now change the IP address in default.yaml.
Then build, push and run the tcp_server container

laptop $ docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t IMAGE_NAME  
laptop $ docker push IMAGE_NAME  
laptop $ laptop $docker -H HOSTNAME.local pull IMAGE_NAME  
laptop $ docker -H hostname.local run -it --net host --memory="800m" --memory-swap="1.8g" --privileged -v /data:/data --name CONTAINER_NAME IMAGE_NAME

Start the Doorkeeper Container

Use the doorkeeper container you have run for setting up the reference tags

laptop $ docker -H HOSTNAME.local run -it --net host --memory="800m" --memory-swap="1.8g" --privileged -v /data:/data --name doorkeeper CONTAINTER_NAME