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Autolab map

Modified 2021-06-21 by light5551

Knowledge about what a Autolab is Part A - Autolab definition

generated map for duckietown

Map editor

Modified 2021-06-22 by Jason, HU Shengjie

You can launch the map editor, using command:

laptop $ dts map editor

You will see:

Map editor

How to create a new map?

Modified 2021-06-22 by Jason, HU Shengjie

You should specify sizes(width, height) of the map and the size of tiles. Default tile size: 0.585

How to create new map

Then the map generation process should be initialized. Sample editor window:

new map
error next (1 of 8) index
Repeated use of ID "fig:editor3"

These are the locations indicated:

Created by function n/a in module n/a.

How to add an object to the map

Modified 2021-06-22 by Jason, HU Shengjie

You can add any object(s) from left menu except the first two blocks, “Road tiles” and “Fill tiles”, which describe the types of tiles. For adding an object, you should double click the object in the left menu.

add object to map
previous error next (2 of 8) index
Repeated use of ID "fig:editor3"

These are the locations indicated:

Created by function n/a in module n/a.

For editing attributes of an object you should do right click of the object and edit its attributes in the opened window. The window should look like:

change attribute of obj

For editing tiles, you should activate the brush mode (see Fig.5). After that, you should choose the type of tiles in left menu. Then, one could select/brush the grids to apply the selected tile type.

change tile
example of map
choose tiles

Rotate tiles

Modified 2021-06-22 by Jason, HU Shengjie

For rotation you should select required tiles and click the rotation button in the tool bar (Fig. 8). See Fig. 9 for the illustrated outcome.

rotate tiles
rotate tiles