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Operation: AIDO Evaluations

Modified 2021-06-10 by Jason, HU Shengjie

In addition to the desktop/laptop requirement for localization, an NVIDIA GPU is needed, drivers should be installed

Can run AIDO submissions and report results.

AIDO evaluator

Modified 2021-06-04 by Jason, HU Shengjie

The AIDO evaluator, which is the process that talks to the AIDO challenges server and gets assigned evaluation jobs. After running an evaluation experiment, it uploads the artifacts (rosbags, logs, videos, localization results) for the AIDO challenge server to further process.

Run localization in REST mode

Modified 2021-06-04 by Jason, HU Shengjie

This creates REST APIs that the AIDO evaluator process will use to run localization experiments with the Autolab. From the root of the duckietown/dt-autolab-localization repository:

$ dts devel build
$ dts devel run -f -X -L REST -- --hostname ETHlargeloop

Run the AIDO evaluator

Modified 2021-06-04 by Jason, HU Shengjie

Clone the Github repository duckietown/dt-aido-autolab-evaluator.

$ git clone

The evaluator needs a directory, /data, to store temporary files in. Make sure to create it before running the evaluator.

$ mkdir -p /data

Then, from the root of the repository, run:

$ dts devel build -f

TODO: the command to run needs cleanup and verification

previous task next (16 of 17) index

The following was marked as "todo".

TODO: the command to run needs cleanup and verification

Location not known more precisely.

Created by function n/a in module n/a.
dts devel run \
    -A aido=5 \
    -A autolab=name_of_the_map \
    -A token=your_duckietown_token \
    -A stage \
    -X \
    -- -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -e DEBUG=1


Modified 2021-06-04 by Jason, HU Shengjie

TODO: write known issues and resolutions

previous task (17 of 17) index

The following was marked as "todo".

TODO: write known issues and resolutions

Location not known more precisely.

Created by function n/a in module n/a.