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The Resampler

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

The details of the second layer of the system, the resampler

Knowing the role of the ROS listener (layer 1) of the localization system does. Unit F-3 - The ROS listener

Knowing what the resampler does and why.

The place of the layer in the bigger picture

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

As stated in Part F - Localization System - Software explanation, the localization graph optimizer works in layers:

  • 1) The ROS listener, that receives the transforms data from the apriltag extraction and odometry
  • 2) The Resampler, that filter the data inside the graph
  • 3) The Duckietown Graph Builder, that creates and manage the graph
  • 4) The g2o graph builder, a custom wrapper around the g2o library.

This part of the docs focuses on layer 2, the Resampler.

Notation: This layer receives formatted transforms and outputs resampled transforms to the duckietown graph builder.

What is the resampler and why do we need it

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

The problem

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

The input of the resampler consists of multiple non synchronized streams of data from multiple agents. At one point in time, for one Autobot, there can be up to about 5 Watchtowers that see it, each with a ~20Hz stream. Adding to this the odometry stream of the Autobot (about 30Hz) and the image stream of the Autobot (about 30Hz as well), we can end up with a total of 160 different time stamps to give to the Autobot per seconds. This makes no sense, as we cant possibly output a trajectory with higher frame rate as the lowest frame rate of the sensors.

The solution

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

The resampler’s goal is to generate a synchronized and regular stream of transforms for the graph optimizer, which we call the resampled transforms. The process will allow the layer 3 of the system, the duckietown graph builder, to build a graph with less nodes, at a controlled rate.

Working principle

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

What the resampler does is:

  • For each Autobot, it keeps the odometry transform history
  • For each Watchtower, it keeps the transform history of each detected Autobot
  • The transforms from Watchtowers to other apriltags are transmitted directly to the graph optimizer, as we don’t keep their timestamps.

Then, at a regular interval (the default rate is 15Hz), each sensor is queried for a transform.

Let’s call t_{\text{query}} the timestamp of the query.

For the Apriltag transforms

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

For each Watchtower, for each AutobotXX seen by Watchtower:

Let’s call t_{\text{prev}} and t_{\text{next}} respectively the closest timestamps before and after t_{\text{query}} such that the Watchtower has transforms to AutobotXX at H_{\text{prev}} at t_{\text{prev}} and transform H_{\text{next}} at t_{\text{next}} .

We have two transforms from the Watchtower to the Autobot, only at times t_{\text{prev}} and t_{\text{next}}

First, we compute from those two transforms the transform H_{\text{movement}} that is the movement of the Autobot from t_{\text{prev}} to t_{\text{next}} :

H_{\text{movement}} = H_{\text{next}} \cdot H_{\text{prev}}^{-1}
H_{\text{movement}} = H_{\text{next}} \cdot H_{\text{prev}}^{-1}
Extrapolating the Autobot's position at t_{\text{query}}

Then we “crop” this H_movement to only take the part happening from t_{\text{prev}} to t_{\text{query}} :

H_{\text{movement-cropped}} = \text{interpolation}(H_{\text{movement}}, t_{\text{query}})
Taking only the first part of the transform

Then we left-multiply it by H_{\text{prev}} to finally get the transform from the camera frame to the duckiebot at time t_query :

H_{\text{query}} = H_{\text{prev}} \cdot H_{\text{movement-cropped}}
Creating H_{\text{query}} from the computed interpolation

This will give the best approximation of the transform at t_{\text{query}} . Of course, this is done only if t_{\text{prev}} and t_{\text{next}} exist and are close enough to t_{\text{query}} . We use the Lie Algebra of SE3 to compute the interpolation.

This is then the output H_{\text{query}} that is called resampled transform.

What this ensures is that if multiple Watchtowers see AutobotXX at the same time, their inputs will be synchronized and linked to the same node in the duckietown graph builder.

Without the resampler, all transforms are not synchronized, this will create 4 separated nodes in the graph
With the resampler, we query the same time for each watchtower, thus synchronizing the data

For the odometry transforms

Modified 2019-10-06 by AmaurX

For each Autobot, the sequence of odometry transforms are stored. As said before, for the odometry two time stamps are required as the transform is a transform of time, not of space. Hence, we store the previous queried time, called t_{\text{query-prev}} , and calculate the odometry transform between t_{\text{query-prev}} and t_{\text{query}} .

This means that we need to get :

  • t_{\text{prev}} : the time stamp closest before t_{\text{query-prev}}
  • t_{\text{next}} : the time stamp closest after t_{\text{query}}
  • [ t_{\text{1}} , t_{\text{2}} , …, t_{\text{n}} ], the n timestamps for of odometry messages between t_{\text{query-prev}} and t_{\text{query}}

n depends on the difference between the query rate and the odometry rate. If the odometry rate is 30Hz and the query rate is 10Hz, then n will usually be 2. If both rate are comparable, n might be zero and the following algorithm just does the two first interpolations as one.

Then, we do two interpolations :

  • The transform H_{\text{prev}} which is between t_{\text{query-prev}} and t_{\text{1}} (we need the odometry at time t_{\text{prev}} to compute it).
  • The transform H_{\text{final}} which is between t_{\text{n}} and t_{\text{query}}

Then, we have the transforms [H_{\text{1-to-2}}, H_{\text{2-to-3}}, ..., H_{\text{(n-1)-to-n}}] that are the n-1 inner transforms. By direct multiplication, we have that the requested H_{\text{query}} is: H_{\text{query}} = H_{\text{prev}} \cdot H_{\text{1-to-2}} \cdot H_{\text{2-to-3}} \cdot ... \cdot H_{\text{(n-1)-to-n}} \cdot H_{\text{final}}

This is then the output H_{\text{query}} that is called resampled transform.

Todo: Add image to explain

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Created by function n/a in module n/a.