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Line follower lane controller

Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

The line_follower_lane_controller package contains the lane controller node which uses the line follower sensors. This lane controller node is a drop-in replacement for the original lane controller node, except that it does not use the camera at all.


Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

This node uses a PI controller for steering, and maintains a constant forward velocity.


Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

  • steering_gain: P constant for the steering PI controller
  • k_I: I constant for the steering PI controller
  • max_I: The integral of the error will be limited to +/- this value. This prevents the integral from becoming too large and causing the Duckiebot to lose the white line.
  • update_hz: How fast to run the control loop. This should be no faster than the line follower sensor update frequency.
  • drive_speed: Forward drive speed, in m/s
  • *_threshold: A line follower reading below this value will read as white, and a higher value is black. Before changing this value, you should consider recalibrating the line follower sensors, as described in Unit E-3 - Calibration - Line Follower Sensors.