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Duckiebot Interface DBV2

Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

The repository dt-duckiebot-interface-dbv2 contains all of the low-level drivers needed for DBV2. It contains the sensor nodes, which read sensor data and publish it to ROS topics, and a new wheels driver node, to account for the different motor configuration on DBV2.

This container should run instead of dt-duckiebot-interface. It builds on top of dt-duckiebot-interface, and contains all of the necessary original functionality. Therefore, make sure there is no dt-duckiebot-interface container running on your DBV2. To start a duckiebot-interface-dbv2 container, use the following command:

$ docker -H duckiebot name.local run \
  --privileged -dit -v /data:/data --name duckiebot-interface-dbv2 --network=host \
  --restart unless-stopped duckietown/dt-duckiebot-interface-dbv2:daffy-arm32v7

The nodes wheels_driver_dbv2 and encoder_node rely upon the pigpio library and associated pigpio daemon. In the script, this daemon is started automatically. If you use this container without using the launch file, you should make sure you start the pigpio daemon by running the command pigpiod.

Each package and node in this container is documented in the following sections.


Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

To launch all of the important drivers, use the launchfile packages/duckiebot_interface_dbv2/launch/all_drivers.launch. As the name implies, this will launch all of the drivers in dt-duckiebot-interface-dbv2. It will also launch all drivers from dt-duckiebot-interface which are not overridden by a newer DBV2 version. You can use the following command to do so, from within a dt-duckiebot-interface-dbv2 container:

$ roslaunch duckiebot_interface_dbv2 all_drivers.launch veh:=$VEHICLE_NAME

Both the software and hardware of DBV2 are designed to be flexible, such that any subset of sensors can be used. Each sensor driver is designed to try and connect to its respective sensor, and shutdown gracefully if it fails. Therefore, this launchfile simply starts all available sensor drivers, but the end result will be that only the necessary drivers will be running.