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Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

A Duckiebot in configuration DBV2

A laptop with free disk space.

Internet connection.

A DBV2 ready for calibration.

The setup for the DBV2 software is very similar to that of DB18, as described in Part C - Duckiebot Assembly and Setup

The main differences are in which containers you should run, and what calibration routines you must do.

Stop Old Containers

Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

After initializing your DBV2, open Portainer, and remove the following containers, if they exist:

  • duckiebot-interface
  • car-interface
  • core

The DBV2 relies on special versions of each of these containers. These new containers are built on top of the original containers, and therefore reuse most of the same code. This is why these old containers must be deleted.

Get new images

Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

The next step is to get these new docker images on your DBV2. There are two ways to do this:

Option 1: From Docker Hub

TODO: Upload the images to Docker Hub. If you are reading this, I have not done that yet, and so this option is not yet available.

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The following was marked as "todo".

TODO: Upload the images to Docker Hub. If you are reading this, I have not done that yet, and so this option is not yet available.

Location not known more precisely.

Created by function n/a in module n/a.

Run the following commands on your computer:

$ docker -H duckiebot name.local pull duckietown/dt-duckiebot-interface-dbv2:daffy-arm32v7
$ docker -H duckiebot name.local pull duckietown/dt-car-interface-dbv2:daffy-arm32v7
$ docker -H duckiebot name.local pull duckietown/dt-core-dbv2:daffy-arm32v7

Option 2: Build from source

First, clone the repositories dt-duckiebot-interface-dbv2, dt-car-interface-dbv2, and dt-core-dbv2. Then, in each repository folder, run the following command:

$ dts devel build -H duckiebot name.local

Create Docker containers

Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

Similarly to DB18, dt-duckiebot-interface-dbv2 and dt-car-interface-dbv2 should almost always be running. Use the following commands to create one container for each image, which will automatically start every time your DBV2 boots:

$ docker -H duckiebot name.local run \
  --privileged -dit -v /data:/data --name duckiebot-interface-dbv2 --network=host \
  --restart unless-stopped duckietown/dt-duckiebot-interface-dbv2:daffy-arm32v7

$ docker -H duckiebot name.local run \
  --privileged -dit -v /data:/data --name car-interface-dbv2 --network=host \
  --restart unless-stopped duckietown/dt-car-interface-dbv2:daffy-arm32v7

The dt-core-dbv2 container will be started later, for running demos. See: Part G - Duckiebot V2 Demos

Verify Initialization

Modified 2020-03-04 by Timothy Scott

To verify that everything is setup properly, try using keyboard control, as described in Unit C-10 - Operation - Make it Move.