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Camera Calibration in the Duckietown simulator

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

This Demo provides general instructions to perform camera calibration in the Duckietown simulator.

Step-By-Step Installation

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Clone the LF duckietown baseline

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

$ git clone

Navigate to the newly created directory

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

$ cd challenge-aido_LF-baseline-duckietown

Prepare submodules

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Change submodule URLs in .gitmodules file

  • open the .gitmodules file.
$ your_favourite_editor .gitmodules
  • change the url in line 3 from to

  • change the url in line 7 from to

  • save and close the file.

Update submodules

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update --recursive

Don’t worry if you get an error saying that the “Server does not allow request for unadvertised object … Direct fetching of that commit failed.”

Switch to daffy branch on all submodules

$ git submodule foreach "(git checkout daffy; git pull)"

Build Docker Image

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Navigate to the 1_develop directory and build the docker images:

$ cd 1_develop
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

Setup the workspace

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

If the docker image runs properly, you will be given a link to access a jupyter notebook connected to the now-running container. Open the jupyter notebook by following the link in a web browser. From the notebook, open a terminal, and perform the following commands in that terminal.

do not worry if you get a message saying “bash: catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash: No such file or directory” - we will deal with this in a couple of steps!

Install missing packages

Install quickapp
$ pip install quickapp
Downgrade systemCmd to version 2.0
$ pip uninstall systemCmd
$ git clone --single-branch --branch p3
$ cd system_cmd
$ python install
$ cd ..
Install compmake
$ pip install -U git+

Build and Source catkin_ws

$ catkin build --workspace catkin_ws
$ source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Shut down the container

Control-C the currently running Jupyter notebook. Manually kill the docker containers if necessary with docker ps and docker kill CONTAINER ID.

Intrinsic Calibration

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Set intrinsic calibration map

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Change the map_name parameter in 1_develop/utils/ from "loop_empty" to "calibration_map_int".

Run the docker image with the new map

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

From the 1_develop directory, run

$ docker-compose up

Open a terminal in the Jupyter notebook

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Run the camera service in the Jupyter notebook terminal.

$ roslaunch pi_camera camera.launch veh:=default

In a terminal on the local machine, disable access control or add localhost

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

$ xhost + 

Get the ID of the notebook container

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Get the container ID of the container running from the duckietown/dt-notebook:daffy image. This can be done with the docker ps command.

Connect to the docker container using the container ID you just found

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

$ docker exec -it -u root -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 CONTAINER ID /bin/bash

In this terminal you now have a command prompt directly into the container. We do this (as opposed to using a terminal from the jupyter notebook) so that we can view the GUI for duckiebot calibration.

Perform intrinsic calibration

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

In this command prompt, run

$ roslaunch pi_camera intrinsic_calibration.launch veh:=default

When it launches you will get a window similar to the one you get when calibrating a real duckiebot. You can resize the window by dragging the bottom-right corner. The calibration will be performed automatically (it might take a minute!) (Figure 21.1)

Starting the intrinsic calibration.

When calibration has enough images, the CALIBRATE button will turn from grey to green. Click on the CALIBRATE button to perform distortion removal and intrinsic calibration. After calibration, the squares in the cube should appear rectified, and the horizon should appear flat. (Figure 21.2)

Performing the intrinsic calibration.

Once calibration has succeeded (Figure 21.3), the COMMIT and SAVE buttons will turn from grey to green:

  • SAVE button generates a zip file at /tmp/calibrationdata.tar.gz where you can find the images used to calibrate the camera’s intrinsics as well as a yaml file with calculated parameters.
  • COMMIT writes the calculated parameters directly to the apropriate path at /data/config/calibrations/camera_intrinsic/robot_name.yaml using the set_camera_info service.

Note that the simulator uses a value of "default" for robot_name.

Commiting the intrinsic calibration.

Shut down the container

Control-C the currently running Jupyter notebook, and Control-D the currently running container. Manually kill the docker containers if necessary with docker ps and docker kill CONTAINER ID.

Extrinsic Calibration

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Set extrinsic calibration map

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Change the map_name parameter in 1_develop/utils/ to "calibration_map_ext".

Run the docker image with the new map

From the 1_develop directory, run

$ docker-compose up

and open a terminal in the resulting Jupyter notebook.

Change the default homography name

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

The default name of the robot will interfere with default homography. To avoid this issue, we rename the default homography file.

In the Jupyter notebook terminal, run

$ roslaunch pi_camera camera.launch veh:=default

Now, open a second Jupyter notebook terminal (from the same place you opened the first one,, and run

$ cp /data/config/calibrations/camera_extrinsic/default.yaml /data/config/calibrations/camera_extrinsic/default_homography.yaml

Set the project root folder

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

To successfully save the calibration files, we must specify the project root folder. Again, in the Jupyter notebook terminal, run

$ export DUCKIETOWN_ROOT=/duckietown

Run the extrinsic calibration pipeline

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Finally, in the Jupyter notebook terminal, run

$ rosrun complete_image_pipeline calibrate_extrinsics

To see the effect of the calibration, look in the duckietown/out-calibrate-extrinsics directory - there should now be new images similar to those shown below (Figure 21.4)

Extrinsic Calibration

Shut down the container

Control-C the currently running Jupyter notebook. Manually kill the docker containers if necessary with docker ps and docker kill CONTAINER ID.

Evaluation and cleanup

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Reset to the default map

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

Change the map_name parameter in 1_develop/utils/ to "loop_empty".

Run the docker image with the new map

$ docker-compose up

Set the project root folder

To successfully save the calibration files, we must specify the project root folder:

$ export DUCKIETOWN_ROOT=/duckietown

Run the evaluation procedure.

Modified 2019-12-29 by ai404

$ rosrun complete_image_pipeline single_image_pipeline

If calibration worked properly, you should see something like the following expected results (Figure 21.5)

Evaluating Extrinsic Calibration.

The calculated extrinsic parameters are saved at /data/config/calibrations/camera_extrinsic/default.yaml

Shut down the container

Control-C the Jupyter notebook. Manually kill the docker containers if necessary with docker ps and docker kill CONTAINER ID.