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Debug - Duckiebot Update

Modified 2021-03-12 by duckietown

A Duckiebot that has been initialized

A computer with an Ubuntu OS,

Duckietown Shell, Docker, etc., as configured in Unit C-2 - Setup - Laptop.

Duckietown Token set up as in Unit C-3 - Setup - Account.

An internet connection to the Duckiebot, configured as in Unit C-20 - Operation - Networking.

An up to date Duckiebot!

Understand what is the difference between OTA update and Release Update

Modified 2021-02-16 by tanij

The update method described in this page will allow you to receive an On The Air (OTA) update within the distribution you so choose (e.g., daffy), and it can improve your Duckiebot performance. Note that this is different from using the init_sd_card tool: Using the init_sd_card tool will only provide the latest release version, not the latest Duckiebot software version.

Update Duckiebot container using dts command

Modified 2021-03-12 by duckietown

If your Duckiebot has not been used for a while and a new image has been released, you don’t necessarily need to re-flash the Duckiebot image as described in the initialization procedure. Instead, you can use dts duckiebot update command to update your Duckiebot.

laptop $ dts duckiebot update DUCKIEBOT_NAME

You will see a prompt similar to this:

Auto Update Duckiebot Container

Type in y for yes to continue updating. If you would like to abort, you can use Ctrl-C to stop the update.

This process is expected to take a while to complete.

Update Duckiebot container using Dashboard

Modified 2021-02-17 by tanij

To use the Dashboard for updating the Duckiebot container, first navigate to the Dashboard software page. If you are not sure how to do that, refer to this (unknown ref dashboard-tutorial-software)

previous error next (3 of 4) index
I do not know what is indicated by the link '#dashboard-tutorial-software'.

Location not known more precisely.

Created by function n/a in module n/a.
page. If you have containers that need to be updated, you will see the update button next to the container:

The update will proceed upon click. If update is successful, you will see the image below: